We recommend you have these items with you for any ride you do:
Eye protection
Gloves* (recommend long finger)
Cycling Shoes
Water or energy drink* (Figure under normal riding conditions to use one bottle per hour)
Energy bar (‘s) like a Cliff Bar (Figure 1 bar every 1-2 hours.) (Energy gels such as Cliff Shots can be used in place of energy bars)
Sun Block
Wind Breaker (Depending on weather)
Cycling shorts, Lycra or baggy style
Cycling jersey (Choose appropiate style depending on weather conditions. It’s is important not to over heat with too heavy of a jersey just as it is important not to get too cold with too light of a jersey. Arm warmers recommended if you go with a short sleeve jersey and there is a chance you could hit some cooler conditions.)
Spare Tube or patch kit, Tire levers and Tire Pump or co2 cartridge
Multi tool including at minimum a 3,4,5,6 mm allens, a chain breaker, flat head screw driver and spoke wrench
Protection: Knee and elbow guards and whatever else you think you may need
Quick Release seat post clamp – an adjustable height seat post is even better!
Additional notes on bike set-up:
Make sure your bike is clean and in good working order. We like to move brake levers approx ½”to ¾” inboard away from the grip. We set the angle so that when you are on the bike you can comfortably reach for your levers. If you can do this before the clinic it will mean more time spent on the trail! We will do a bike check and suspension set-up and discussion during the clinic.
If levers are too low, then you have to rotate your hands forward to reach the lever which can put your weight too far forward & and if you have your levers too high you will have to drop your elbows which is a big Bikeskills “No-no” to get to your brakes.