While there’s really no contest going on between our SoCal and NorCal clinics, we thought it would be interesting to point out the differences between the clinics, SoCal instructor Joe Lawwill and NorCal’s Jiro Nakamura, the locations, etc. We’ll tell you what question will decide who’s clinic you take, as well give you another chance to win some great FREE stuff from Bikeskills in Bikeskills Contest #3. So on to the constrants and comparisons, aided by video, and information on how to win big… [Read more…]
Making of a New Seat and Bikeskills Contest #2
WTB’s Mark Slate fashioning a new seat out of… a block of wood… There are many ways (including clay molds/models, and stereolithogaphy) but the old fashioned way, whittling one out of a block of wood, has many advantages. However, the most important ingredient is not the wood or even splinter-proof shorts, but a craftsman… a rare and endangered species these days.
In addition to learning about how a new seat design is created, we’ve got another Bikeskills Contest for you! Our first contest was based on a “where is this?” (and won by Gary Souza of Pacifica). This contest is a “what is this?” and to win what it is, you’ll have to read on…
New: Contests and Clinics…and more. Stay Tuned!
Bikeskills Contest #1: This is Marin County as seen on a ride 7 February 2009. Here’s the question: from what trail is this shot taken and what is the body of water in the photo? Be the first to get it right and we’ll send you a set of WTB Prowler XTs. And if you can correctly give us Joe Lawwill’s middle name, we’ll toss in a set of tubes as well. Send your answers to: jiro@bikeskills.com To claim your prize, you MUST be a Bikeskills YouTube Channel subscriber: www.youtube.com/user/bikeskills. It’s FREE!
Stay tuned for complete details on a NEW Bikeskills contest with lots of FREE stuff being awarded. In the mean time, a word to the wise (and those who like FREE stuff): sign up for the Bikeskills Channel at YouTube (www.youtube.com/user/bikeskills), and, out newsletter at Bikeskills.com!
We’ve scheduled more clinics, including our red hot new SESSIONS clinics. We’ll also be announcing a new Bikeskills location very soon. Last but not least, we’ll give you some 411 about our newest Bikeskills board member, UCLA medical school professor and Chief Neurosurgeon, Dr. Michael Levy MD PhD.